
How can I track my order:

After you place your order, you will receive a confirmation and shipping email with your tracking number. Please allow 1-7 business days for your tracking number to activate. Once activated you will be able to track your purchase.

Do you offer FREE shipping?

Yes! All orders come with free worldwide shipping with tracking available.

Do you ship worldwide?

Yes we are proud to offer free worldwide shipping with tracking included. Shipping times vary from country to country. Please check our “Shipping Info” page to view our full shipping estimations and further relevant shipping details.

Do you offer a money back guarantee?

We totally understand it's hard to trust a product which sounds too good to be true. That's why you are completely covered with our 30 day money-back guarantee! Simply not happy with your product? Contact us via email at and we will arrange a stress-free refund!

The product must be unopened, not used and in the same condition and original packaging.

For all refunds the items you purchased must be returned at the customers expense.

I did not receive a confirmation email why I placed by order. Why not?

A confirmation email is sent to you automatically at check out. This confirmation email will provide you with a copy of your order, a payment receipt and your order number. If you do not receive a confirmation email it means that you have incorrectly entered your email address. Please email and they will correct your email address and send a copy of your confirmation email out to you.

What happens if my items are damaged?

If you have received a damaged or incorrect item, contact our customer support team at with a photo of the damage, or the incorrectly shipped product, as well as your order number and we will get back to you.

Do you offer refunds?

Yes of course! We totally understand it's hard to trust a product which sounds too good to be true. That's why you are completely covered with our 30 day money-back guarantee! Simply not happy with your product, Contact us and we will arrange a stress-free refund! 

The product must be unopened, not used and in the same condition and original packaging as you received the product.

For all refunds the items you purchased must be returned at the customers expense.

Parents need to know

Are your products in compliance with testing standards?

Yes. All chemical and hazardous materials testing has been outsourced and is in compliance with safety standards. Our 100% organic products are GOTS certified. We use factories that are of Oeko-Tex100 standard, which means products are Oeko-Tex 100 Class 1 Baby certified free from any harmful chemicals or substances.

Why choose Bubs Corner?

Everything we source at Bubs Corner is thoughtfully considered and made with love. We source exceptionally high-quality products that are designed using materials that help to parents raise their bubs. We believe in making sure your little one is always safe and comfortable. 

The team at Bubs Corner prides ourselves knowing that each product is made with your bub in mind with superior organic quality, safety, beauty & functionality that will support the next generation in a gentler more environmentally conscientious way.

Can there be a difference in colour between the product photograph on the website and the actual product?

Even though we do our best to keep our colours on our website as true as possible, each computer screen has its own individual setting, so there can be differences in colour. If you have a doubt about the colour of a product, please do not hesitate to contact our team via email.